Posts tagged tribute
A Veteran's Day Tribute to my Dad.

My dad was a retired U.S. Army veteran who loved his country. I never realized how much he loved the years that he served until I got older. I remember dad encouraging me to sign up for Jr. ROTC back in high school because it would teach me discipline, leadership, etc. Instead I just did it to get myself out of physical education. But looking back, it gave me a taste of what it would be like if I signed up to really serve my country. 

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A personal tribute to those who fought for my freedom.

​A personal tribute to my Dad, Junior Afalla, who has served his country with honor and loyalty. Also, a small mini series of photos that I took back in 2011 of my trip to Washington D.C. Read more about my tribute to the man who fought for his country so that his family can have their freedom as Americans.

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