Celebrating a Beautiful Life.

Today is the anniversary of the passing of my mom but also its her birthday. Instead of writing about a sad story of what happened a year ago, I decided to scrap what I originally wrote because I know that mom would rather have me talk about her beautiful life. My mom always provided us with a lot of love. No matter how much we didn't have, she always found a way to provide. There has never been a day when we didn't have food on our tables. Both mom and dad always found a way to provide- even if it was free fish from the ocean. I remember when she used to catch the city bus with us to school on her way to work. My sister and I were still hungry from sharing a breakfast bar. Mom made us get off the bus with her and she took us to a small breakfast cafe in Waikiki. She only had $5 in her purse bought a breakfast platter that was only enough for two. I asked her to eat some with us but she didn't want to because she always made sure we were fed first. 

Looking back at my childhood, I can honestly say that I wouldn't change a thing the way my parents brought us up. We didn't have much but they always found a way to provide. Mom always told me to always talk to God and always praise His glory. But she also told me to not feel ashamed to ask Him to help me as well. I really miss my mom. 

Dear Mom,

Its been one year since you went home to be with daddy as well as our Father in heaven. Your faith in God has been a testament to everyone that there is life after death and I look forward to see you again where there is no pain, no sorry, no tears. As I sit here on the eve of your passing anniversary and your birthday, I want to thank you for waiting for me. I know that you were worried about what will happen after you left us and although we had to fend for ourselves to maintain the integrity of yours and dad’s wishes, know that all we wanted to do is uphold the fifth commandant which is “Honor thy father and thy mother”. We continue to do that today because both you and dad wanted it your way.

I will always cherish the memories as a child and throughout the rest of my life. I still hear your voice and yet there hasn’t been one day where I haven’t thought about you and daddy. I will always love you. See you soon.


Your one and only son...Walter

To all of my few friends that are left in my life, I want to thank you for being there for me through this last year. I know I've been a little sheltered and a recluse at times but as each day passes, I'm getting better at living my life. Don't worry, I'm happy where I'm at and I'm doing well. I've slowed down a little but still moving forward. I even started to photograph again and found new passions that keeps me at peace. My advice to everyone is tell each other "I love you" because you may never know if it'll be the last time.

To my family, I love you very much. Sometimes I have to step away from all the drama, gossip, and negativity that you choose to have in your life. Thats why I chosen to remain silent because I don't want that kind of energy in my life. I just want to live happy- that's all. Just know that I still love you.