A tribute to my Dad for Father's Day.
Dad holding me in his arms before going to war in Vietnam. By the time he came home, I didn't even know who he was because he was gone for such a long time.
Growing up as the only boy in my family with six older sisters was a challenge from the moment I was born into this world. My Dad, Junior Terry Afalla, was born and raise in Hawaii. He had a rough life growing up, from living in various foster homes to serving our country in three tours of Vietnam. When Dad left for the war, I was only 3 or 4 months old. By the time he came back, I didn't know who this dude was. It took some time to get to know him and as I got older, I've grown to love him more and appreciate what he has done for his six beautiful children.
Today, Dad is still living his life day by day with weekly trips to the VA hospital where he likes to hang out with his buddies. He brings his ukulele and sings with a group of them at the VA hospital. They play anything from the old songs of yesteryear to local Hawaiian songs. He also attends his arts and crafts class as well as work with therapist on his reading and physical therapy (recovering from his stroke).
I think every day should be father's day because we often forget how much our fathers have done for us. I honor both my father and my Father in heaven. I thank Him each and every day for the blessings He has given me to live a comfortable, happy life. Happy Father's to all the Dads out there.
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